As this summer begins to wind down, and I have just returned from my last little getaway of the season, I tend to suffer from what my sister and I call the "post vacation blues." It is a combination of pure exhaustion and nostalgia for all of the amazing time spent with family in beautiful places.
I tend to wonder in these times if I need to change my life in some way, in order to have

more of what I am nostalgic for. My kids and I went to a family reunion in Wyoming on my Dad's gorgeous ranch. Then we visited my brother and his sweet family on the ranch that he manages in Montana (three of my four brothers work on ranches). It was breathtaking, and so remote. The only sound at night was the crickets and the low sound of the mother cows getting their calves settled in. I slept like the dead on that night.
Most recently, the kids and I spent three days on Priest lake. The peace of a large body of water is so nourishing to my soul. We spent hours each day kayaking around the lake

and jumping into the water.
So, naturally, I settle back into my little house in the city and wonder...should I make a plan to move to the country? How would that even be possible for me? Should I try to get away from all of the people, even though I love and serve so many of them?
This year, I'm approaching this deep feeling of nostalgia in a different way. I'm taking all of the deep peace that nature offers me and keeping it within. These experiences have become a part of me and they are not gone, even though I am now removed from them through space and time. Also, moments like those will come again. I have so many new memories to create, many of which will be completely unforeseen.
My simple, day-to-day life at home is so blessed. I love my tiny little house, my job, my friends and family so much and am entirely blessed to be happy and safe at home. There are so many ways I can connect with nature locally. The Spokane area has beautiful parks and hiking trails. Maybe I will also stay in better touch with my beloved relatives who live far away.
And when I feel longing for times past, there is no harm in relishing all of the joyful memories I've collected on this path.
I came across this poem by Kabir on our last day at the lake and read it after my morning meditation and yoga practice.
"Why not look at the beauty
your memory holds,
so nourishing that light can be.

The past's lips are not
Let them comfort you
if they